I'm A. Dante Bravo (he/him), a professional artist, actor, and author.
One meaningful story can be a powerful tool for inspiring hope, encouraging empathy, and abolishing ignorance. Since early childhood I relied on books, comics, and films to help me battle depression and anxiety. I can't tell you how many times I almost lost the fight.
Stories saved me every time.
With tremendous gratitude, I devoted my career to the art of storytelling. I'm telling the stories I wish I had when I needed them the most.
As an artist I am responsible for accurately representing the diverse lives of marginalized communities. Because I experience life as a queer, Latino transman with disabilities,
my acting manifests from a place of authenticity. Directors and publishers depend on my writing for honest and entertaining stories of lasting value. It is my honor and privilege to be working in the ever evolving field of entertainment.
Thank you for visiting my website. Feel free to stay connected for updates on my comic books, animations, and future performances. Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you.
-A. Dante Bravo